The New Celebrity Apprentice (also known simply as The Apprentice) is the eighth and final installment of the reality game show The Celebrity Apprentice. It aired from January 2 to February 13, 2017. The winner of this season was Matt Iseman. The season marked the debut of Arnold Schwarzenegger —actor and former Governor of California, as host.
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Who Won 2017 Celebrity Apprentice Winner
After several weeks, we finally know who won this season of Celebrity Apprentice, with new host Arnold Schwarzenegger.
Boy George and Matt Iseman were the final two contestants left in the competition before the elimination.
The Celebrity Apprentice February 7, 2017 Tonight, “ The Celebrity Apprentice ” kicked off the start of its final task as we learned that Matt Iseman and Boy George were the final two. This decision in itself was a controversial one, mostly because there was a contingent of people out there who wanted to see Brooke Burke make it to the. Boy George pulled out all the stops in the final challenge of The New Celebrity Apprentice, but his bid fell short as American Ninja Warrior host Matt Iseman was crowned winner Monday during the. Related: Celebrity Apprentice, Reality TV, Recap, Television, The Celebrity Apprentice, TV Tonight our favorite reality show The Celebrity Apprentice with new host Arnold Schwarzenegger returns with a whole new Monday, February 13, 2017, season 15 episode 7 episode called, “ I Don’t Have Time for Anyone’s Ego Except My Own,” and we.
In this episode, to win, Matt and Boy George had to prepare an ad campaign, host a party and produce a mini-variety show. Past contestants came in to assist, and there were some special guests throughout the episode!
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