Bookie Illegal Average ratng: 8,9/10 5687 reviews
Joe Andre Firova is a local bookmaker, or 'bookie' for short, in Laredo, TX. Operating a local sportsbook and booking wagers is illegal in the state of Texas. This website showcases evidence of Joe Andre's illegal activities.
Bookie Talks Illegal Sports Betting
Only illegal operators have anything to fear from Minnesota laws. If caught operating live bookie businesses in Minnesota, operators can get a prison term or a fine or both. But as an individual bettor, you will face no problems with the law as long as you stick to the legal offshore online sports betting sites we have listed on this page. Part of the story is illegal gambling on you and your cousins part. I do not think a judge would grant a restraining order. Think this out before you do something you could handle yourself.
Here is Joe Andre advertising his illegal sportsbook on his Twitter profile.
Mr. Firova is also a math teacher at United South Middle School in Laredo, TX. Good news for his betting clients is that he is good at math. Bad news for his students is that their teacher is a criminal.
Mr. Firova is also a scammer. When his players lose, he happily collects money. When they win, he tries to find excuses to not pay, arguing over mathematical technicalities. Perhaps he should spend more time on math with his students instead.

Report Illegal Bookie
Here is Joe Andre threatening one of his clients after an argument over wagers and payouts.
Here is Joe Andre discussing a customer's weekly balance and arranging payments.
Here is Joe Andre collecting his money using the payment app Venmo.